b. c. 1742


Through son Michael, Samuel or Abraham


[DNA Kit 74736]


Samuel may be the son of a Giles MATTIX who was reportedly born in the Netherlands in about 1712

This family was strong United Brethren (Moravians), a religion which was fairly popular in the Netherlands, and earlier in Germany and Bohemia.  They developed strong missions in NJ, MD, PA, and NC.



Generation 1



b.         c. 1742

m.        c. 1767 Mary Schouwers, NJ

d.         1807 Sussex Co, NJ




A1       Catherine Mattix, b. 1768  NJ; m. 1790 Daniel Culver, NJ; d.c. 1849 Parke Co, IN

+A2     MICHAEL MATTIX, b. 1770  (see B below)

+A3     SAMUEL MATTIX, b.c. 1772 (see B below)

A4       Mary Ann Mattix, b.c. 1774 NJ;  m. 1803 Aaron VanNatta, NJ; d.c.1840 Butler Co, OH

+A5     John Mattix, b.c. 1776 NJ (see his pedigree chart on this website)

A6       Jacob Mattix, b.c. 1779 (see BB below)

A7       William Mattix, b.c. 1782 NJ; d.c. 1814 in War of 1812, Lake Erie (NY or Canada)

A8       James Mattix, b.c. 1785 (see BBB below) 

A9       ABRAHAM MATTIX, b.c. 1787 (see B below)

A10     Giles Mattix, b.c. 1790 NJ (see B4 below)

A11     David Mattix, b. 1792  (see B5 below)

A12     Isaac Mattix, b.c. 1795 NJ (see B6 below)



Generation 2


B         MICHAEL MATTIX            or         SAMUEL MATTIX              or         ABRAHAM MATTIX (same as A2, A3, A9 above)

b.         1770 Sussex Co., NJ or PA                 c. 1772 Sussex Co., NJ or PA             c. 1787 Sussex Co., NJ or PA

m.        1795 Mary Rutan                                 1st Eleanor Vennatter                            m. 1816 Elizabeth Barnes                                

                        2nd 1801 Eleanor Vannatter

d.         1853 Butler Co., OH                            1827 Butler Co., OH                            d.  1841 Butler Co., OH




B1       JOHN MATTIX, b. 1799 (C below)

B2        Daniel Mattix, b.c. 1801 Sussex Co., NJ, lived 1830 Butler Co., OH

B3        Nancy Rutan Mattix, b. 1814 Sussex Co., NJ



BB       Jacob Mattix (same as A6 above)

b.         c. 1779 Sussex Co., NJ

m.        1807 Catherine Paddock, NJ or OH

d.         1859 Sullivan Co., IN




BB1     Polly Mattix b.c. 1808

BB2     Stephen G. Mattix, b. 1812 (see CC below)

BB3     Isaac James Mattix, b. 1818 (see CCC below)

BB4     Sarah Mattix, b. 1830


BBB    James Mattix, b.c. 1785 (same as A8 above)

b.         c. 1785 Sussex Co., NJ

m.        1813 Mary Wright, NJ or OH

d.         1859 Clinton Co., IN




BBB1   Anna Mattix, b.c. 1814 Butler Co., OH

BBB2   Rachel Mattix, b.c. 1816 Butler Co., OH

BBB3   John Mattix, b.c. 1818 Butler Co., OH

BBB4  James Mattix b.1821 (see CCCC below)

BBB5   Ruth Mattix, b.c. 1824 Butler Co., OH


B4        Giles Mattix (same as A10 above)

b.         c. 1790 Sussex Co., NJ

m.        1817 Mary Cornelison, Butler Co., OH

d.         1864 Clinton Co., IN




B41      Samuel Mattix, b.c. 1818 (see C5 below) 

B42      Nancy Mattix, b. 1822 Butler Co., OH

B43      Martha Ann Mattix, b. 1831 Butler Co., OH


B5        David Mattix (same as A11 above)

b.         1792 Sussex Co., NJ

m.        1821 Effie Rutlan, Preble Co., OH

d.         1866 Butler Co., OH




B51      Susan Mattix, b. 1821 Butler Co., OH

B52      Elias Mattix b. 1823 (see C6 below)

B53      Squire Mattix, b.c. 1825 Butler Co., OH

B54      Mary Mattix, b.c. 1827 Butler Co., OH


B6           Isaac Mattix (same as A12 above)

b.         c. 1795 Sussex Co., NJ

m.        1824 Nancy A. VanNatta, Butler Co., OH

d.         1864    Tippecanoe Co., IN




B61      Samuel Mattix, b.c. 1825 Butler Co., OH

B62      David L. Mattix, b.c. 1827 Butler Co., OH)

B63      Thomas L. Mattix, b. 1829 (see C7 below)

B64      Mary Mattix, b.c. 1832

B65      Jane Mattix, b.c. 1835

B66      Rhoda Mattix, b. 1839

B67      James Maxwell Mattix, b. 1842 (see C8 below)


Generation 3


C.        JOHN MATTIX (same as B1 above)3

b.         c. 1799  NJ

m.        1818 Catherine Smith, Butler Co, OH

d.         Aft. 1880 prob. Henry Co, IN




C1       CHRISTOPHER MATTIX, b. 1819  (see D below)

C2       Unknown son Mattix, b.c. 1821

C2       Mary Ann Mattix, b.c. 1825 m. 1847 Joseph Sheets Rush Co, IN

C3       Daniel Mattix, b.c. 1829 (see DD below)

C4       Lydia Mattix, b.c. 1837 OH

C5       Aaron Mattix, b.c. 1841 IN

C6       John Mattix, b.c. 1844  IN; m. Julie E.

C7       Oliver Mattix, b.c. 1846 IN m. Narcissus; d. 1930 IN


CC       Stephen G. Mattix/Maddox (same as BB2 above)

b.         1812 Butler Co., OH

m.        c. 1836 Lucretia Thomson, OH





CC1     John Maddox b. 1837 Sullivan Co., IN

CC2     Alfred Maddox, b.c. 1839 Sullivan Co., IN

CC3     Annis Maddox, b.c. 1841 Sullivan Co., IN

CC4     Isaac Mattix, b.1843 Sullivan Co., IN (see DDD below)   

CC5     Eliza F. Maddox, b.c. 1846 Sullivan Co., IN

CC6     Amanda Maddox, b.c. 1850 Sullivan Co., IN


CCC    Isaac James Mattix (same as BBB3 above)

b.         1818 Sullivan Co., IN

m.        1843 Sarah E. Reed, Sullivan Co., IL

d.         1868 Sullivan Co., IN




C71     John Hannibal Mattix, b. 1844 (see DDDD below) Sullivan Co., IN

CCC2  William Henry Mattix, b. 1846 Sullivan Co., IN

CCC3  Catharine Mattix, b. 1849 Sullivan Co., IN

CCC4  Nancy Mattix, b. 1851 Sullivan Co., IN

CCC5  Mary Ann Mattix, b. 1854 Sullivan Co., IN

CCC6  Viola Mattix, b.c. 1856 Sullivan Co., IN

CCC7  David Mattix, b. 1857 Sullivan Co., IN

CCC8  Stephen Mattix, b. 1860 Sullivan Co., IN

CCC9  Samuel J. Mattix, b. 1862 (see D5 below)  


C4        James Mattix (same as BBB4 above)

b.         1821 Butler Co., OH

m.        1847 Amanda E. Slipher, Clinton co., IN

d.         1895    Howard Co., IN




C41      Philip L. Mattix, b. 1848 Clinton co., IN

C42      Lucinda J. Mattix, b.c. 1853 Clinton Co., IN

C43      Justice C. Rodkey Mattix, b. 1860 Clinton Co., IN


C5        Samuel Mattix (same as BBBB1 above)

b.         c. 1818 Butler Co., OH

m.        1849 Eliza J. Etenburn, Clinton Co., IN

d.         1871 Clinton Co., IN




C51      Andrew Mattix, b.c. 1854 Clinton Co., IN

C52      Giles D. Mattix, b.c. 1860 Clinton Co., IN

C53      Jacob Mattix, b.c. 1862 Clinton Co., IN

C54      Nancy Mattix, b.c. 1866 Clinton co., IN

C55      Martha Mattix, b. 1870 Clinton Co., IN


C6        Elias Mattix (same as B52 above)

b.         1823 Butler Co., OH

m.        1871 Mary Wescoe, OH

d.         1905 Butler Co., OH




C61      Theodore Marston Mattix b. 1872 Butler co., OH

C62      Effie Mattix, b.c. 1874 Butler Co., OH

C63      Russell Edgar Mattix, b. 1876 Butler Co., OH

C64      Anna M. Mattix, b. 1879 Butler Co., OH


C7        Thomas L. Mattix (same as B63 above)             

b.         1829 Butler Co., OH

m.        1867 Mary Brough, Tippecanoe Co., IN

d.         1909 Tippecanoe Co., IN




C71      Idella Mattix, b. 1868 Tippecanoe Co., OH

C72      Emma J. Mattix, b. 1869 Tippecanoe Co., IN

C73      Hannah Mattix, b.c. 1871 Tippecanoe Co., IN

C74      John James Mattix, b. 1873 Tippecanoe Co., IN

C75      Loretta Mattix, b. 1875 Tippecanoe Co., IN

C76      Stella Mattix, b. 1878 Tippecanoe Co., IN

C77      Charles Mattix, b. 1880 Tippecanoe Co., IN

C78      Francis Mattix, b. 1883 Tippecanoe Co., IN

C79      Jacob Mattix, b. 1887 Tippecanoe Co., IN


C8        James Maxwell Mattix (same as B67 above)

b.         1842 Tippecanoe Co., IN

m.        1868 Nancy K. Stump, Tippecanoe Co., IN

d.         1894 Tippecanoe Co., IN




C81      Jane Mattix, b.c. 1870 Tippecanoe Co., IN

C82      Iva Mattix, b. 1872 Tippecanoe Co., IN

C83      Bertha Mattix, b. 1878 Tippecanoe Co., IN

C84      Anna Josephine Mattix, b. 1880 Tippecanoe Co., IN


Generation 4


D.        CHRISTOPHER MATTIX (same as C1 above)4

b.         1819 Butler Co, OH

m.        1st 1838 Harriet M. Lee, Rush Co, IN

m.        2nd Hannah P. Walker

d.         1900 Mahaska Co, IA




D1       Amanda Mattix, b. & d. 1839  Rush Co, IN

D2       Thomas Jefferson Mattix, b. 1840  IN; m. 1865 Mary S. McClure, Mahaska Co, IA

D3       Catharine Mattix, b. 1841 IN; m. 1865 Arthemus W. Weekly, Mahaska Co, IA

D4       John Mattix, b. 1844  IN or IA; m. 1865 Mary Borden, Mahaska Co, IA; d. 1889  Mahaska Co, IA (see E below)

D5       David Daniel Mattix, b.1846 Mahaska Co, IA; m. 1869 Martha Flanders Mahaska Co, IA; d. 1923  Mahaska Co, IA

D6       Nancy M. Mattix, b.1849 Mahaska Co, Iowa; d. 1872 Mahaska Co, IA

D7       Andrew Jackson Mattix, b.1852 Mahaska Co, IA; m.1st Harriet Heiner; m.2nd Sarah A. Winegardner; d. 1925  Hugo, CO

D8       William M. Mattix, b. & d. 1854-55 Mahaska Co, IA

D9       Robert M. Mattix, b. 1856 Mahaska Co, IA; d. 1889 Mahaska Co, IA

D10     Sarah Ann Mattix, b. 1858  Mahaska Co, IA

D11     AARON WINFRED MATTIX, b. 1860 (see EE below)

D12     Alonzo B. Mattix, b. 1862 Mahaska Co, IA; m. 1884 Melisa L. Harris, Mahaska Co, IA;  d. 1950 OK

D13     Neuma Mattix, b. 1866 Mahaska Co, IA; m. 1891 Matilda A. Deaver,  Mahaska Co, IA; d. 1895  Mahaska Co, IA


DD      Daniel Mattix (same as C3 above)

b.         1829 Butler Co., OH

m.        c. 1850 Elizabeth,  Butler Co., OH

d.         Aft. 1880 Henry Co., IN




DD1     Rodilla Mattix, b. 1851 Henry Co., IN

DD2     Aaron Mattix, b. 1855 Henry Co., IN

DD3    Charles Mattix, b. 1857 Henry Co., IN (see EEE below)

DD4     Catharine Mattix, b. 1859 Henry Co., IN

DD5     Elizabeth Mattix, b. 1862 Henry Co., IN

DD6    John Mattix, b. 1864 Henry Co., IN (see EEEE below)

DD7     Laura Mattix, b. 1869 Henry Co., IN

DD8     Alonzo Mattix, b. 1875 Henry Co., IN


DDD   Isaac Mattix (same as CC4 above)

b.         1843 Sullivan Co., IN

m.        1862 Sarah J. Trueblood, IN

d.         1921 Sullivan Co., IN




DDD1  John A. Mattix b.c. 1863 Sullivan Co., IN

DDD2  Amanda Mattix, b.c. 1865 Sullivan Co., IN

DDD3  Eliza Anna Mattix, b.c. 1867 Sullivan Co., IN

DDD4 Stephen G. Mattix, b. 1870 Sullivan Co., IN (same as FF below)

DDD5  Lucretia Mattix, b.c. 1873 Sullivan Co., IN

DDD6  Benona Mattix, b.c. 1876 Sullivan Co., IN


D4        John Hannibal Mattix (same as C81 above)

b.         1844 Sullivan Co., IN  

m.        1876 Amanda J. Hall, KS





D41      Sarah Elizabeth Mattix, b. 1877 KS

D42      George Henry Mattix, b. 1879 KS

D43      Mary Catherine Mattix, b. 1881 KS

D44      Maggie Melvina Mattix, b. 1885 KS

D45      Elsie Leonia Mattix, b. 1888 KS

D46      oseph William Mattix, b. 1892 KS


D5        Samuel J. Mattix (same as CCC9 above)

b.         1862 Shelby Co., IL

m.        1883 Hanna L. Hughes





D51      Retta May Mattix, b. 1884

D52      Charles Dennis Mattix, b. 1886

D53      Rosella Mattix, b. 1892

D54      Alva Ira Mattix, b. 1897

D55      May Alice Mattix, b. 1899

D56      Treva Mattix, b. 1902


Generation 5


E          John Mattix (same as D4 above)

b.         1844  IN or IA

m.        1865 Mary Borden, Mahaska Co, IA

d.         1889  Mahaska Co, IA




E1        Edward Mattix b.c. 1870 Mahaska Co., IA


EE.      AARON WINFRED MATTIX (same as D11 above)5

b.         1860 Mahaska Co, IA

m.        1884 Mary L.Flanders, Mahaska or Marion Co, IA

d.         1941 Mahaska Co, IA




EE1      Nellie Salome Mattix, b. 1844  IA, m. William E. Batey; d.  1904  Iowa

EE2      Charles Dean Mattix, b. 1886 Mahaska Co, IA; m.c. 1912 Elsie L. Hulbert;  d. 1973 Mahaska Co, IA

EE3     WINFRED AARON MATTIX, b. 1888 (see F below)

EE4      Jesse C. Mattix, b. 1892  Mahaska Co, IA; m. Velma M.; d.c. 1967  Mahaska Co, IA


EEE     Charles Mattix (same as DD3 above)

b.         1857 Henry Co., IN

m.        c. 1883 Mary A, IN

d.         Aft. 1910




EEE1   Walter W. Mattix, b. 1884 Henry Co., IN

EEE2   Russell M. Mattix, b. 1890 Henry Co., IN


E4        John Mattix (same as DD6 above)

b.         1864 Henry Co., IN

m.        c. 1889 Clara E., IN





E41       Chester Mattix, b. 1890 Henry Co., IN

E42       Ora Mattix, b. 1897 Henry Co., IN


E5        Stephen G. Mattix (same as DDD4 above)

b.         1870 Sullivan Co., IN

m.        c. 1892 Louise A. __





E51       Inez Mattix, b. 1893 Sullivan Co., IN

F52       Roy Mattix, b. 1897 Sullivan Co., IN

F53       Joy Mattix, b. 1897 Sullivan Co., IN

F54       Edith O. Mattix, b.c. 1900 Sullivan Co., IN

F55       Michael Mattix, b.c. 1905 Sullivan Co., IN


Generation 6


F.         WINFRED AARON MATTIX  (same as E3 above)6

b.         1888   Mahaska Co, IA

m.        1909 Lulu M. Ross, Mahaska Co, IA

d.         1969 Mahaska Co, IA




F1        Ralph Dean Mattix, b. 1915   Mahaska Co, Iowa;  m. 1936 Agnes V. Denny, Mahaska Co, IA; d. 1994 Los Angeles Co, CA




1Paternity Documentation Samuel Sr. to Samuel, Michael & Abraham:  1807 Sussex County, New Jersey Will of Samuel, Sr.


2Paternity Documentation Michael, Samuel or Abraham to John:  


1.  Of the sons of Samuel Sr., neither John nor James nor Jacob nor David nor Giles had a proven son named John.   Sons of Michael, Samuel, and Abraham are unknown.   So by elimination, one of these men was John’s father.


2.  Michael m. 1795, Samuel m. 2nd 1801, Abraham 1816.  John was b. 1799.  So the most likely person to be John’s father was Michael. 

3.  However, John said in 1880 that his parents were born in PA.  Abraham said in 1850 that he was b. in PA. 

4.  Ages of most of Samuel Sr’s sons are based on date of marriage and age categories in 1820-1840 census. 


5.  John in Rush Co., IN, always said he was born 1799 NJ.  The Mattix brothers, sons of Samuel who d. NJ 1807, & their widowed mother migrated to OH between 1806 and 1818. 

6.  John b. 1795-1801 was in Butler Co., OH, 1820 census, and b. 1791-1800 also in Butler Co., OH.  In the 1830 census, he was b. 1791-1800 and in Rush Co., IN.  So his year of birth was 1795-1800.


3Paternity Documentation John to Christopher:  Very strong circumstantial that could be proven. 


1.  In 1830 Butler Co., OH, John was living next to Christopher Smith.  He married Catherine Smith and named a son Christopher. 

2.  Christopher always said he was b. in OH. 

3.  Christopher was living in the same township as John in Rush Co., IN, 1840. 

4.  Christopher married in Rush Co., IN. 

5.  Christopher named many of his children the same names John gave his. 


John was living with son Daniel (b. OH) in 1880, and John (b. NJ) was listed as Daniel’s father.  Therefore, a DNA test of a direct male descendant of Daniel (proven to be son of John) would solve this.  As soon as this is done, a comparison can be made with the results of Christopher’s direct descendant.


4Paternity Documentation Christopher to Aaron Winfred:  1860 & 1870 censuses of Jefferson Township, Mahaska County, Iowa.


5Paternity Documentation Aaron Winfred to Winfred Aaron: 1900 & 1910 censuses of Mahaska County, Iowa.


6Paternity Documentation Winfred Aaron to Ralph Dean Mattix:  1920 & 1930 censuses of West Des Moines Township, Mahaska County, Iowa.



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